Tuesday, May 25, 2010


My stomach hurts from laughing. Frank, one of the students in Advanced English, just taught me how to say "firefly" in Spanish (luciernaga) and it took me forever to get it right. Apparently I said something wrong and seemingly inappropriate, because Frank was like "Eeeeemeely!! (that's how they say my name here and I just love it) No no no!!!" and then laughed his head off. And then I started laughing. And then each time I would attempt to say it again, I'd laugh more. I got it eventually though. Oh Nicaragua...everything about you is a joyful learning experience.

Today has been one of those days that you can go to bed feeling good about (in fact, I will do just that after I finish this post, because I am exhausted). First was pancakes for breakfast (yup, I'm talking about the food again. It just isn't getting old) and then off to Chureca for English class. That's one of the programs I'll be focusing on...not sure if I'll be with the beginner or intermediate group...we'll see. It's more difficult than I expected. I was with the intermediate group today since I already checked out the other group last week, and it was a group of four sassy chicas. They're a bit intimidating, but I'm excited to see what our time together will look like and how it'll challenge me. And also, I still just about loose my breath being in Chureca, even for brief bits of time. Something about there makes me feel alive and close to God and I don't really know why yet...perhaps I'll post more thoughts on it later :) I'm far too tired to write anything super eloquent or insightful ahora.

After Chureca was a trip back to the house for a quick lunch and then off to Farito (the schoolhouse) for Comedor and Tuani Hour. Comedor is a feeding program where lunch is served to kids in the community. I'll do that every tuesday. Gosh, I just loved it. I didn't get to do much in terms of serving (I did help with tooth brushing after they ate...soooo cute) but it was a blast just to play with kids, visit them at their tables, listen to them pray and sing a sweet song before lunch. After Comedor we had a little over an hour break. I went outside and played with kids in the community and it was just about my favorite thing we've done this whole trip. I got to hang out with this group of sweet, sweet boys. They were playing marbles and taking photos with my camera and just being silly chicos. My favorite (it seems bad to pick favorites, but hey, oh well) is 9 year old Jon (see pictures below)...he has the most precious little smile and just a joyful personality.

Then came Tuani Hour ("Tuani" means "cool" in Spanish, and it's basically Creative Hour where it's just a fun time for the kids to do some crafts or music or whatever would be exciting for them). Trey, Jessica, Audrey (all Summer Vol's) and I got to plan and teach it today! It was SUCH A BLAST. We did a lesson on aviones (airplanes) and then made paper airplanes and had a competition for which one could fly the farthest.

After Tuani was a trip back to the house for dinner and a quick round of Bananagrams (I am getting so much better after challenging basically everyone in this house...although there are definitely some pros here). Then back to Farito for Beginner's English (a large class with a mix of ages. it's super fun, and just a class I'll help out with) and after that was Advanced English (a program I'll be focusing on...I just LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It's so cool to actually be able to become friends with people here who are my age, and I find that I learn a lot about the culture and Nica-Spanish from them)
Tomorrow I've got preschool (I'll be working with the preschool at Farito a few mornings a week! so fun!) and Kids English at the Land and we'll see what else I can get into :)
Now everyone is back and relaxing in the living room, reading or blogging or writing e-mails. I feel like Nica is getting under my skin a good way. Things are just becoming normal, like driving next to cows on the road or a mouse scurrying two inches from your feet in the living room (just happened) or knowing what it means when someone scrunches their nose at you (it's basically body language for "what?"...I get it a lot with my broken Spanish) or understanding when someone motions like they want you to go away (it actually means "come here") or hearing "GRINGA, MIRA! GRINGA, MIRA!" over and over again from every little kid doing jumping jacks or some dance they want you to see or something. I just love those things, and all the new things I discover about Nica everyday. Just love love love it.
photos! 1) we played 3 v. 3 lacrosse at the Land on Sunday. I was on a team with Norman and Gabe against Fabricio, Hemby and Jessica. 2) Ernesto! 3) Mi amigo Murphy 4) Jon (mi favorito) 5) kids in Cedro 6) Tuani hour airplanes! 7) Murphy and his really cool paper plane 8) Summer Vol love!

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